What is buyer protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees that enables buyers to shop with confidence on our website.
You are protected when, The item you ordered did not arrive within the time promised by the seller, The item you received was not as described and The item you received that was assured to be genuine was fake.


How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are calculated based on shipping method (air, sea or land) and product weight / volume. For more details on how shipping costs are calculated, please contact us directly.


How long does shipping take?

On average our customers receive orders within 10-20 business days. This is an average estimated time excluding 2-5 day processing time. Sometimes, due to high demand for our products, processing time will be increased. Please allow 2-6 weeks for delivery.


Can I cancel my order?

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.


How to track my package?

You will receive an email with tracking number to the email address associated with your order as soon as your order has shipped. Use the tracking number on our 'Track My Order' page (you can find this page on our main menu) to track your order. Please note that it can take up to 3-7 business days for the tracking information to be updated.


I didn't receive a tracking number?

    If your order was placed more than 7 business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number, please contact us.


    I got a package but I received the wrong item/size

      We have a proper system to make sure you get the proper item(s). But if you received the wrong item or the wrong size by mistake, please send detailed photos of the unused items and a brief explanation to (or message us through the live chat) within 30 days of receiving your item(s). We will be able to look into the issue right away and return you 100% of your money back. You can still enjoy or recycle your product.


      What is your refund policy?

      We offer a 100% money back guarantee on all products that are defective or damaged during shipping. Just let us know by sending us detailed photos of the unused items and a brief explanation to (or message us through the live chat) and we will provide refund as preferred. But we don't accept returns. So you can enjoy or recycle your product.
      *You can submit refund requests within 30 days after you receive your package.

      Free Delivery

      On all orders

      Free Returns

      No questions asked return policy

      Need Help? +333 123 4567

      Call us on a toll-free phone number

      Money Back Guarantee

      In case if you want a refund

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